Sunday, November 8, 2009

Assignment #5

My original survey, concerning physical activity and reasons why people are not physically active, consists of eight questions. The first, fifth and seventh questions are categorical, meaning that the person taking the survey must fall into either one or the other category. (i.e. they are either male or female). The second question is a multiple choice question where more than one answer can be chosen. The third question is a scale-rating question in which the person taking the survey can show how active they personally feel they are on a scale of 1 - 5. The fourth question is multiple choice. The sixth question is a numerical question in which participants simply provide the year they were born and the eighth question is an open-ended question which encourages participants to explain what they like and why.

Original Survey

Physical Activity Survey

1. Since this time last year, have you participated in any athletic, fitness or sports activities?
_ Yes _ No

(If you answered NO to question 1, please answer the following question. Otherwise, please go to question 3)

2. Please choose the reasons that apply to why you do not participate in physical activities. Check all that apply.

_ It takes too much time
_ The program I am interested in is not offered
_ I do not have the physical ability
_ Participating would interfere with my studies
_ Participating would interfere with my job
_ I am concerned about physical injuries
_ Financial constraints
_ I have a disability or medical condition that would limit my participation
_ I am too old to participate
_ I am not interested in athletics or fitness activities
_ I do not have the energy for athletics or fitness activites
_ Participating would interfere with my family
_ Other (please specify)

3. How active would you say you are in a typical week on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 = not active at all and 5 = extremely active)? Please circle a number.

4. How much time, weekly, would you say you currently spend being physically active?
_ None _ 1-3 hours _ 4-6 hours _ 7-9 hours _ 10+ hours

5. What is your gender?
_ Male _ Female

6. In what year were you born? _______________

7. Do you have any physical or mental conditions that limit your daily activities in any way?
_ Yes _ No

8. What is your favorite form of physical activity? Why?

In evaluating my original survey I discovered that it was too short. The survey is very general and does not ask enough questions to get an idea of the attitudes people have towards physical activities. The survey was also biased to people who do participate in physical activies regularly. Although I did include a question that could be used to determine why people are not physically active, I did make the assumption that most people were at least a little bit active.

My participants commented that they thought the survey may only be directed to younger people (twenties) and that they weren't sure what the reason for conducting the survey was. I explained to them that I was looking at why people may not be active as well as how active people were if they participated in any fitness activities. One of my participants asked if being on his feet for 8 hours a day at work would count towards the question asking how much time he spends being physically active. I was forced to answer no, because technically a typical job does not fall into the category of being a physical activity. In my modified survey I created a question that incorporated if one's employment was physically demanding and how physically demanding it was. I did this because some people work ten hour days on their feet and simply do not have the energy left at the end of the day to participate in physical activities.

In modifying my survey I would keep all original questions and add a few more to make it more thorough.

Modified Survey

Physical Activity Survey

1. Since this time last year, hae you participated in any athletic, fitness or sports activities?
_ Yes _ No

(If you answered NO to question 1, please answer the following question, otherwise, please go to question 3)

2. Please choose the reasons that apply to why you do not participate in physical activities. Check all that apply.

_ It takes too much time
_ The program I'm interested in is not offered
_ I do not have the physical abitlity
_ Participating would interfere with my studies
_ Participating would interfere with my job
_ I am concerned about physical injuries
_ Financial constraints
_ I have a disability or medical condition that would limit my participation
_ I am too old to participate
_ I am not interested in athletics or fitness activities
_ Participating would interfere with my family
_Other (Please specify)

3. How active would you say you are in a typical week on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 = not active at all and 5 = extremely active)? Please circle a number.

4. How much time, weekly, would you say you currently spend being physically active outside of your employment?
_ None _ 1-3 hours _ 4-6 hours _ 7-9 hours _ 10+ hours

5. Is your current employment physically demanding?
_ Yes _ No

6. How physically demanding is your current employment? (1=not at all physically demanding, 5 = extremely physically demanding). Please circle a number.

7. When you are not at your place of employment, do you find you still have a sufficient amount of energy to be used towards physical activities?
_Yes _No

8. What is your gender?
_Male _Female

9. In what year were you born? ______

10. Do you have any physical or mental conditions that limits your daily activites in any way?
_ Yes _ No

11. What is your favorite form of physical activity? Why? If not currently physically active, What was your favorite form of physical activity in the past? Why?